We are so small

This script allows me a few seconds of day dreaming every now and then. A single command to travel far and fast...

It displays how far we are from the sun, and how fast the earth is currently moving around it.

export LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8"
DAY=`date +%s`-`date -d 4-Jan +%s`
DISTANCE=$(printf %.0f `bc -l <<<"149597870.691*(1-.01672*c(($DAY)/5022635.5296))"`)
printf "The sun is %'d km away" $DISTANCE
UA=$(printf %.3f `bc -l <<<"$DISTANCE/149597870.700"`)
printf " ( %.3f UA )\n" $UA
SPEED=$(printf %.0f `bc -l <<<"sqrt(1.327*10^20*(2/($DISTANCE*1000)-1/(1.496*10^11)))"`)
printf "Earth is moving at %'d m/s\n" $SPEED